
A beginner’s gateway to data analysis with R 

The secret behind starting learning any Coding or Programing language is overcoming the  initial fright. 

This basic introductory course starts by describing the RStudio infrastructure including the main windows, the menus and how to get help. 

Secondly, you will be introduced to the different data types and how R handles them using Data structures. Thirdly, you will learn how to manipulate the different data structures including reshaping, melting etc. 

Part 4 will be about exploratory data analysis covering summary statistics and graphics and,

The last part will be about statistical data analysis. This is a hands-on practical course loaded with exercises.

Rstudio interphase

Data Wrangling

Descriptive Statistics

Statistical models

Target Audience: Are you a researcher or a programming enthusiast? Then this course is for you. You need no prior knowledge in statistics or programming. However, knowledge of basic statistics will be an advantage. 


Saturdays : 17 and 24 August 2024: 14h-18h

Sundays: 18 and 25 August 2024: 14h-18h

Course Fee: 200 euro

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